This week’s Articulate challenge is to create a training video with your smart phone. In my defense, I’ll point out that only the phone was required to be smart.
What Happened
I had the innocent idea of showing how people like me who spend all their time in home offices breathing in more highlighter fumes than fresh air – (which may explain a lot, now that I think about it) – can bust out. I planned to shoot on nearby Hilton Head Island.
When I mentioned this to Dan, in the interest of getting his help filming the drive, he immediately said “and it’s the perfect chance to use this guy!” What happened after that is kind of a blur.
Video Lessons Learned
I used my iPhone with no additional apps and made edits on the desktop in Pinnacle Studio 17 before popping it into Storyline. I learned:
- Lighting is never easy.
- Shooting in direct sunlight makes seeing the viewfinder nearly impossible.
- Shooting in gale-force winds while sand is being whipped at the device will lead to unusable audio, among other things.
The Storyline Piece
Framing the story felt much harder than framing the heinous video for some reason. I ended up liking the time-lapse drive to the island and the layout I designed to view the different video clips. I’d like to use those ideas in other projects.
My favorite part might be the souvenir photo at the end since it sums up the absurdity quite nicely.
If You Must
If you really want to see this, you can check it out right here.
planethotdog says
Wonderful as always, Jackie! Well done — really enjoyed the music you found.
Jackie Van Nice says
Thank you Andrew!! I really appreciate that. :)
Yes – I got so lucky on the music. It’s free from I chose two versions of “Panama Hat” – one with lyrics and one without. The lyrics sounded like something Dan’s hand might come up with, so it seemed like a good fit.
Dan Sweigert says
Great job pulling together all the video and actually creating a narrative out of “Bert’s” ramblings. I don’t know if it helps or hurts to mention this, but no alcohol was consumed in the production of this piece.
Jackie Van Nice says
Hey Dan! If we hadn’t been fighting a storm front on the beach we’d have gotten a lot more usable footage. My favorite part of yours is where you bounce around excitedly in fast motion as we pass the Hilton Head sign.
I’m torn about the alcohol declarations, too. I’d love to hide behind an excuse like that, but sometimes you just have to be brave and tell the truth: “I was sober.”
kellyprince says
Um…maybe you need to head out more often. Delightful course…loved the beach supplies popping into the frame. Great technique. Great music. Is Bert a cry for help? ;-)
Jackie Van Nice says
Hi Kelly! You are correct: I need to get out like nobody’s business.
I’m not sure what Bert is. He’s been around for years, but I’d successfully banned him in my presence to the point where I’d nearly forgotten about him. That’s probably how I got caught off-guard.
Yes! Love the music, too. I put the details above in response to Andrew. So glad you liked it – and thanks so much for stopping by! Always nice to have the support of a fellow Lumberjack. :)
Melissa A. Venable says
I needed this tutorial very much. I clicked on Staples – see the problem? ;) Really well done. I think I liked “play in the sand” the most. Kudos to you and your … team. :)
Jackie Van Nice says
Hi Melissa! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your very kind comments! As a local I’m sure you recognized the drive onto the island – and the scene of the crime wasn’t far from Coligny.
That’s why I used Staples – it’s one of the few places I go when I leave the house and I thought it might be a good bluff for my work-at-home peers. We’re well-trained. :)
David Anderson (@elearning) says
Dan – I think you have a winner with Bert. I see a series of photographic and illustrated characters spanning a range of industries. Safety Bert, Corporate Bert, Call Center Bert… Is Bert always a righty? Nevermind. We can work out the details later.
Jackie Van Nice says
Seriously, David? You’re going to encourage this??
Don’t listen to this, Dan. Look! Over there!! It’s a Rush tribute band!!
Dan Sweigert says
David, those are all excellent ideas. Don’t listen to Jackie. Bert’s very charming, right?
David Anderson (@elearning) says
You can’t hold that type of talent back, Dan. Bert was born to perform. Your job is to provide the space and let Bert do his thing… whatever that is! Does he need an agent?
Jackie Van Nice says
Couple of things, David:
1. Dan reminded me that Bert has a son. The resemblance to Bert is remarkable. (His given name is “Bert’s Son”.) I mention this in case this sweetens the deal, because…
2. If Bert makes it big, I’m on board with riding that wave and just doing challenges for the rest of my life. This is why…
3. I think you, Dan, Bert, Bert’s Son, and whoever else Dan’s got living in there should take a meeting and make this happen.
David Anderson (@elearning) says
Does Bert have a blog? Instagram? I really don’t want to miss any updates.
Dan Sweigert says
Bert’s taking typing lessons at the local library. David, you’ll be the first to know when he starts tweeting. He thinks the character limitation is going to work to his advantage.
Jackie Van Nice says
I think it goes without saying that Bert has no character limitations whatsoever.
David Anderson (@elearning) says
How about a t-shirt line?
Dianne Hope says
Very creative Jackie – as always! Gives me lots of ideas for future projects. Well done!
Jackie Van Nice says
Thank you Dianne! I’m so glad if it helps somehow. Loved your entry this week, too!
learningsnippets says
Great work Jackie and Dan, it was great to watch and you got to go to the beach and still call it work – nice!
Jackie Van Nice says
Thanks, Matt! I was hoping nobody would notice what a rough life we have: Coming up with ridiculous ideas, then goofing around until something sort of comes together. If only someone were paying us to do this, it’d be quite the clever plan!
Bruce Graham says
Excellent as always.
Bert needs eyes next time :)
Jackie Van Nice says
Thanks, Bruce! I appreciate that. :)
I suggested similar things about Bert’s appearance, but Dan seems to enjoy these things. He has embraced inexplicability and made it his own.
David Anderson (@elearning) says
I have to agree with Dan here. Skeuomorphic Bert wouldn’t work for various creative, ethical, and legal reasons. I like the simple, minimalist approach.
byalof says
Loved the time lag and the choice of music. Made me grin from ear to ear!
Jackie Van Nice says
Well I can’t wish for more than that! Thanks so much, Barbara! Glad you liked it. :)
Daniela says
I’d like to give you and Bert a “hand”. Bravo!
Jackie Van Nice says
Hahaha :) Thanks Daniela! Bert and I appreciate it very much!