This week’s Articulate challenge is to share how you create audio for your e-learning projects. Here are David Anderson’s questions along with my answers.
1. Tell us about your recording setup.
I use an Audio-Technica AT2020 desktop USB mic (pictured here on my desk). I either record directly into Storyline or Audacity – just depends on what I need. I used to do elaborate things to try to deaden the room or block out noise, but I stopped all of that and now I record pretty much as you see here, including the low light. I like a nice, calm atmosphere with as few lawnmowers and barking dogs as possible.
2. Show us your audio setup.
See that photo? That’s my audio setup. It’s my USB mic plugged directly into my PC or iMac. This is basically the setup I used to record this podcast; though in that case I was recording into Garage Band rather than Audacity.
3. Share your three favorite audio recording tips.
One of the first things they teach you in radio is to pre-read your copy. I started in public radio, so I learned this reading PSAs and other announcements. The key is not to read silently; you have to read aloud. Seems silly, right? Fact is, whenever I skip this step I end up doing more takes and more editing. If you invest your time up front by reading the script aloud, and with fluidity, before you record that one piece of it – you’ll save time on the back end by eliminating multiple takes and fixes.
Normally I’m recording for individual screens in Storyline. As tempting as it is to say “Got it!” and move on to the next slide, I always stop and listen very carefully and at full volume to the take I just did. That may be the first time you hear the plane or the sneeze or the pencil drop that snuck in while you were focusing on your script.
That’s it. Just care about what you’re saying. Anyone can read a line of text, but that’s not going to lead to a compelling voiceover any more than slapping images and text into an e-learning development tool is going to lead to a compelling learning experience. Understand what you’re saying and why you’re saying it, think about who you’re talking to, and put your best energy, focus, and intention into it. It matters, and it shines through in the end result.
Great points Jackie! So, that’s the setup used by the “Velvet Voice”.
Ha ha ha. :) Thanks, Richard. Something tells me I have the simplest tips around. Show us how you make it happen in Portland!
Just returned from a camping trip to Champoeg State Park! It was very very hot (mid 90s). Now, I’m getting ready for another trip to the Redwoods and Crater Lake. The life of an Instructional Designer can sometimes be a little “enclosed” so I’m trying to enjoy as much of this Oregon sunshine as possible. As you know, it doesn’t stay around too long. By the way, I did post a response to this week’s challenge… just not much to say.. I prefer to have talent like yourself do the audio narrations for me if possible. What’s your rate anyhow? :)
I don’t know the official pronunciation of Champoeg, but always thought it was “sham-POO-ee”. I assume it was named for native Americans who created outstanding hair products. Can’t believe it was that hot there! Love the redwoods. Good for you for getting out. The challenges will still be here when you get back.
It’s pretty rare that I take an all-voiceover job these days (preferring to design and develop larger projects that often include voiceover), but I’d be more than happy to charge the exorbitant rate of your choice. (Call me!) And thanks for the update! :)
Simple wins every time, Jackie. Love your tip about reading aloud and not silently. I find that works equally well for blog articles.
Thanks, David! Now that you mention it, I do that too! It’s remarkable how reading a blog post aloud can help you compose it so it flows well and sounds great. It’s one of the quickest ways to see if something works. Good point!
Reading out blog posts before posting? I never knew this! What does it really do to the writeup?
Daniel, my best illustration relates to the best compliment I ever got about my German, which was “You understand the music of the language.” (From the conductor of the Mannheim, Germany orchestra who said it in German after we’d been chatting for awhile; hence my delight.) But that kind of sums it up. There’s a rhythm and flow and musicality to language, and when you read it aloud it becomes even more evident. Once you’ve crafted your writing to the point where it “sings” you know it’s right. But David may well explain it differently and/or have a completely different take on it. :)
Yep, another great post. Good tips Jackie!
Thank you so much, Jeff! I’m looking forward to yours, too!
Good tips Jackie, do you have any challenges or problems with recording with a desktop microphone? It sure gets rid of the Ps and Ss in recording! I’ve never used a desktop mic, but familiar with headsets…
Thanks, Daniel! I’ve never recorded with a headset mic, so I can’t offer much in the way of a comparison. The only drawback I can see to the desktop mic is that it simply takes up more space, so you have to allow for that and maybe maneuver a little more carefully as you’re recording.
Great job sharing your tips Jackie. When it comes to voice overs and narration, you’re a natural!
Aw – thanks, Dan! If only I were a natural musician like you are. :)
Great advice Jackie; esp about the pre-read part. That will be this week’s resolution!
No kidding! It’s an ongoing resolution for me, too. Glad you liked it!
Thanks for sharing these handy tips Jackie, much appreciated! You have a good audio setup by the look of it.
Thanks, Matt! Mine is incredibly simple – just plug in mic and go. I’m looking forward to yours, too!
I loved your tips, Jackie! Especially the last one. For me, it’s not that I don’t care, it’s just that I know my limits and draw the line, giving the audio work to someone who knows what they’re doing and cares enough to produce high quality audio. I also second your suggestion to read aloud – it seems silly, but it’s definitely necessary.
Thanks, Ashley! The “Care” tip is what I think of whenever I hear e-learning audio where it sounds like they’ve grabbed a random pizza delivery guy, shoved a script in his hand and a microphone in his face, and told him to read. It’s disjointed, disinterested, flat, meaningless, and makes me scramble for the quickest escape route.
Vending out to professionals is a stellar fix! Great idea.:)
I finally did it! I submitted my own instead of of just reading what you did lol
Jennifer, Jackie’s a persistent nudge about the challenges. Glad she “convinced” you to participate:)