This week’s challenge is to show how you create online training. The process of how I work with clients is something I’m always having to explain, so it’s about time I added a quick explanation to my site.
Who Does What?
David Anderson suggested we could use the helpful post How to Create an Online Course in 7 Simple Steps as a launching point if we’d like. That process is quite similar to mine, but mine reflects exactly how I work and shows which steps I perform and which ones my clients perform.
My Steps
These are the steps. You’ll find more details in the demo – and you can see them written out on this page. It’s an abbreviated list since it’s only meant to be a quick (yet useful) overview. Each step can be an entire world unto itself:
Set Goals
Set Content
Design It
Storyboard It
Build It
Deliver It
Evaluate It
basdenleco says
(I could have left the word “it” off of steps 3 through 7, but I have a soft spot for transitive verbs that yearn for their direct objects.)
What a beautiful and fascinating aside.
Made my morning
Jackie Van Nice says
Thank you so much, Derek! I think you just made my day.That was unquestionably my favorite part of the post. I hope the rest of your weekend is wonderful!
basdenleco says
Thank you, have a very auspicious and creative weekend
Jackie Van Nice says
Thank you, Derek. :) Namaste.
Jeff Kortenbosch (@eLearningJeff) says
As usual, well done. Nice to see your workflow. I noticed you have them deliver all content before the design phase. How do you deal with clients who want a concept before engaging your services?
Jackie Van Nice says
Thank you, Jeff! As you know, that’s an issue for many designers who don’t want to give away their work for free. Companies interested in working with me can see loads of my work beforehand, plus I’ll tell them how I’d envision their project if I think it could be a match, but that’s about it before going to contract. What do you do?